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Magdalena Materowicz-Kukla dołączyła do naszej firmy

Welcome on board!

We are delighted to announce that Magdalena Materowicz-Kukla has joined our firm.

She is an attorney-at-law with profound legal experience in Warsaw law firms.

©She also gained knowledge and experience in IP while working as an assistant judge in the Court of European Union Trade Marks and Community Designs. Magda will definitely strengthen our IP practice with her knowledge and experience. Her expertise range from IP law to trademark law and legal advisory.

Her passions are traveling and cooking.

Magdalena Materowicz-Kukla dołączyła do naszej firmy

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SDP D. Sierżant K. Dudziński Sp. k.

ul. Łowicka 19 lok. U3

02-574 Warszawa, Polska

NIP: 521 401 99 79

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