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Maja Szalewska

Maja Szalewska


Maja is a fourth-year law student at the University of Warsaw.

Since her second year of studies, she has been a member of the Intellectual Property Scientific Association “IP” at the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw. She has participated in educational programs organized by the aforementioned association as well as by a renowned law firm specializing in intellectual property law.

She is a recipient of the Rector’s Scholarship for the best students at the University of Warsaw. Additionally, she is a student at the Spanish Law School at the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw.

Maja is fluent in English, as confirmed by Certificate in Advanced English (CAE). She also has an upper-intermediate proficiency in Spanish, confirmed by DELE B2 certificate.


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    Interior architecture
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    Sports: swimming, tennis, snowboarding

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02-574 Warszawa, Polska

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