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Patent Litigation


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    offer a flag service that combines years of litigation experience with expertise in major scientific areas and have participated in a number of “make-law” cases such as on the doctrine of equivalents, patents for second medical use, production method patents
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    form teams of skilled litigators and technical patent attorneys to comprehensively react to the realities of a specific matter and are rooted in the Polish scientific community which gives us access to top experts
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    are experienced in multinational innovative and generic patent disputes and formulate strategies by considering developments in other jurisdictions
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    monitor court practice on issues like preliminary injunctions, disclosure of information, or suspension of infringement proceedings because of pending revocation actions

Professional Experience:

Our team members have advised, acted for or represented:

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    big pharma company in patent litigation re. a patent for second medical use
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    n international generic pharma company in multijurisdictional patent litigation proceedings re. multiple sclerosis therapy patents (inc. dosage regimen patents)
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    German tech company in patent litigation related to a method for controlling data traffic of a PC
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    Korean producer of electronics in patent litigation re. construction of a household device
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    producer of advertising items in patent dispute re. construction of an advertising stand
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    producer of platelet rich plasma in patent infringement proceedings re. tissue regeneration products
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    German chemical company in a series of patent litigation cases re. patents for production methods of biocidal products

Key Contact

Dawid Sierzant

Dawid Sierzant


See Profile

Get in touch

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SDP D. Sierżant K. Dudziński Sp. k.

ul. Łowicka 19 lok. U3

02-574 Warszawa, Polska

NIP: 521 401 99 79

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